Professeur des universités (section CNU 26 : mathématiques appliquées)


Modélisation et calcul scientifique
Analyse mathématique d'équations aux dérivées partielles
Applications : mécanique des fluides, sciences du vivant


Au Centre Universitaire des Saints-Pères :

Adresse postale Université Paris Cité, MAP5 (CNRS UMR 8145), 45 rue des Saints-Pères, 75270 Paris cedex 06, France
Accès Campus Saint-Germain-des-Prés, 45 rue des Saints-Pères (Paris 6e), 7e étage, Bureau 752
Téléphone +33/0 1 76 53 03 77
Télécopie +33/0 1 42 86 41 44 (secrétariat)
Adresse électronique ou

À l'Institut Universitaire de Technologie de Paris :

Adresse postale IUT de Paris - Rives de Seine, Département Informatique, 143 avenue de Versailles, 75016 Paris, France
Accès IUT de Paris, 143 avenue de Versailles (Paris 16e), Bâtiment Blériot, 2e étage, Bureau B2-1
Téléphone +33/0 1 76 53 47 71
Adresse électronique ou



"You could set up a foundation with an annual endowment of thirty million dollars. Research workers in need of funds could apply for grants, if they could make out a convincing case. Have ten committees, each composed of twelve scientists, appointed to pass on these applications. Take the most active scientists out of the laboratory and make them members of these committees. [...] First of all, the best scientists would be removed from their laboratories and kept busy on committees passing on applications for funds. Secondly the scientific workers in need of funds would concentrate on problems which were considered promising and were pretty certain to lead to publishable results. By going after the obvious, pretty soon science would dry out. Science would become something like a parlor game. Some things would be considered interesting, others not. There would be fashions. Those who followed the fashions would get grants. Those who wouldn't would not."

Leó Szilárd, "The Mark Gable Foundation", In: The Voice of the Dolphins and Other Stories, Simon & Schuster, 1961.

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